

Introduction to Operating System and its Functions


Introduction to Operating System and its Functions

Operating systems (OS) are essential software programs that manage computer hardware and software resources, allowing other applications to run smoothly. They act as intermediaries between computer users and hardware, providing a user-friendly interface to interact with the computer. An operating system manages and controls system resources such as CPU, memory, storage devices, input/output devices, and network devices. In this article, we will discuss the fundamentals of operating systems, their functions, types, and the popular operating systems in use today.

What is an Operating System?

An operating system (OS) is software that manages computer hardware and software resources, providing common services for computer programs. It acts as a bridge between hardware and software, enabling them to communicate and function together. Without an operating system, a computer cannot run applications or perform tasks.

When the computer is turned on, the operating system is the first program loaded into memory.It controls the computer's hardware and provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the computer. The operating system manages system resources such as CPU, memory, storage devices, input/output devices, and network devices.

Functions of an Operating System

The operating system performs several essential functions, including:

Resource Management

An operating system allocates system resources such as CPU, memory, and input/output devices to various applications based on their requirements. It ensures that all applications get an equal share of resources and that none of the applications starve.

Memory Management

The operating system manages the computer's memory, which involves allocating and deallocating memory for various processes. It ensures that each process gets sufficient memory to execute correctly.

File Management

The operating system manages files and directories on the computer's storage devices. It provides facilities to create, delete, copy, and move files and directories.

User Interface

The operating system provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the computer. It includes features such as a desktop, icons, menus, and windows.


The operating system ensures that the computer's resources are used securely. It provides security features such as user authentication, password protection, and encryption.

Types of Operating Systems

There are several types of operating systems, including:

Batch Operating System

A batch operating system is designed to handle repetitive tasks that can be run without user interaction. These tasks are usually performed in batch mode, where a large amount of data is processed at once.

Time-sharing Operating System

A time-sharing operating system is designed to handle multiple users simultaneously. It enables multiple users to share the computer's resources such as CPU and memory.

Distributed Operating System

A distributed operating system is designed to manage a group of independent computers that appear to the user as a single system. It enables applications to run on multiple computers and share resources.

Network Operating System

A network operating system is designed to manage network resources such as printers, file servers, and network communication devices. It enables multiple users to access these resources simultaneously.

Popular Operating Systems

There are several popular operating systems in use today, including:


Windows is a popular operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used in desktops, laptops, and servers and has a user-friendly interface.


macOS is an operating system developed


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